
Hip Hop Be Bop

Hip Hop music and more

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Hip Hop Be Bop

Hip Hop music and more

Project Future

Classic vocoder electro with a social message about hard times growing up in the 1980’s. It was released in the early part of Ronald Raegan’s Presidential career when there was high taxation and inflation…Raeganomics.

The track was written and produced by Rahni Harris & keyboardist David Spradley with help from David Sandridge from the soul group Dayton and Ted Currier.

It featured on the debut release in the Electro series on Morgan Khan‘s Street Sounds Records.

Artist logo taken from hype sticker on sleeve


Label: Capitol Records
Year: 1983
Format: 12″
Origin: US

Side A

  1. Ray-gun-omics [6:40]

Side B

  1. Arcade Lover [5:00]