
Hip Hop Be Bop

Hip Hop music and more

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Hip Hop Be Bop

Hip Hop music and more

Krash Slaughta - Sugar Coated Doom (LP Reissue) [Krash Slaughta]

Krash Slaughta – Sugar Coated Doom (LP Reissue) [Krash Slaughta]


Children Of Zeus – Balance (2xLP/CD) [First Word Records 2021]

Children Of Zeus - Balance (2xLP/CD) [First Word Records]

Juga-naut & Jazz T – Marble & Granite (7″) [Boot Records 2021]


Juga-Naut, a multi-talented artist, emcee, producer and chef with an international following. He creates every aspect of his music himself from concept to final product. He has gained major recognition with a prolific plethora of solid self-released projects.
‘Marble & Granite’ is a gargantuan collaboration between Jugz & Jazz T. The sound is two mountains colliding with the classic Hip-Hop ethos and a modern flyness. The core of the track is sculpting beautiful art from the hardest materials, starting from scratch with raw talent, never stopping, constantly honing your craft to create a solid lasting legacy. Available on 7″ vinyl with full colour artwork by Jugz and digital!



Juga-naut & Jazz T – Marble & Granite (7″) [Boot Records]


A – Marble & Granite

B – Marble & Granite (Instrumental)